Collecting your work from each job you do is vital to your marketing efforts and success of your business. By collecting your work, you can continuously update your website, social media pages and other marketing materials. This is important to keep on top of client's minds by showing your new work consistently. While this is important, it can easily fall by the wayside. Once the job is done, you are on to the next . . .and it can all become a blur!
I designed The Collect Your Work Calendar for Makeup Artists, a complete 12-month calendar, as an easy way for you to track and collect your work while staying organized which in turn will act as a reminder for you to stay on top of your marketing game!
The Collect Your Work Calendar for Makeup Artists can be utilized exactly as it is or can be fully customized to include your branding colors, business name and logo. This is for use with the online design platform Canva. Not compatible with Microsoft Word, Google Docs or other software. Print as many personal copies as needed.
The Collect Your Work Calendar for Makeup Artists
•This is a digital download. No physical product will be printed and or mailed. All sales are final.
•This template is fully customizable. You can edit it and add your branding colors, business name and logo after purchasing it. Upon purchase you will receive an instructional guide which contains the link to the template. This is for use with Canva. Not compatible with Microsoft Word, Google Docs or other software.
•All of our digital templates/files are for your personal use only; not for resell or distribution.
•This is a digital product/file that is delivered via instant download, therefore, no refund can be issued.
•These templates/files may not be sold or redistributed in digital or printed form.
•All rights reserved © On the Set Styling, LLC
Our digital and print products are non-returnable.